Hey all,

I am a freshman in college and as of now I am having a lot of trouble with certain sins, and, well, my faith is taking a toll because of my lack of obedience.

I just feel like I'm already doomed. I forgot what it means to have faith in Christ and how to go about doing it. I'm not quite advanced to understand at a scholarly level, but I am old enough to not be patronized with the simple "Jesus loves you" answer. I know intellectually that He does, but how can I let my heart accept this? My heart is hardened and I don't know how to pray for it to be open to Christ again or how to go about having hope. I don't feel like there is hope. I have prayed for things in the past, and the Lord has given me so many blessings, but when I pray for things that seem the most important or things that depend on my faith, the Lord seems to save those for His time, and this really does frustrate me, and if this is indeed the case, then all it does is put me through trials that I didn't expect to go through. I expect hardships involving money, family relations and the like, not hardships involving my own faith! What if I fail in this? Does God destine for me to fail? How can I be sure? Help!

For the record, the sins that I struggle with are being dealt with an online website that has helped me understand a few things, but it doesn't seem to be helping.

Truly yours, and truly His (I hope)
