I consider myself a christian, i may not be the best christian but i do try. Well basically i just turn 20 and i am at university at the moment. I live in a shared house with 3 other students. Well the past three years i have struggled to save up money to buy a car. During these times i always pray to God to help and assist me in blessing me with money. So i finally had my target amount and guess what the bank tell me my account be cancel because of a bank error. But lucky the bank allowed me to take out my money from my account. During that week i was going to buy a car so i placed my money in an envelope and placed it securely in my room. One of my housemate invited some people round to the house for a house party. I was in and out of my room cooking and conversing with my other housemates. The next day i checked where i placed the money and it was gone!!! In the house there are no locks on the doors. The funny thing is that no one knew i had the money. I have asked everyone and they dont know nothing about it, so i dont know who took it only GOD knows. I have inform the police and I have even conducted my own fasting for the very first time to ask GOD to help me. Also i pray everyday about this and its always in my mind. This is a lot of money we are talking about and this incident happened the beginning of last month.