Hello All!

I have a problem that I can't seem to find help about.
A little background on me:

I attend a church in California, Carson Oaks Community Church. I am a relatively new believer. Before I found Christ, I was a borderline gang member. A few more months and I would've been a full fledged gang member. I grew up poor. Had to raise my younger siblings (2) while my mom was out having affairs and her 60- year old boyfriend (she's in her late 30's) sat around in his chair looking at inappropriate things on the internet. Needless to say, I've been through my own form of hell on earth.

I found Christ with the help of my current girlfriend and started getting involved with church. I joined the worship team doing the audio/visual aspect of the service. I've always been good with that sort of stuff and my girlfriend is on the team too.

My problem is that the rest of the worship team (from my point of view) seems to be losing their focus, or reason for doing what they do. They should be part of the worship team to lead others in worshiping our Lord. Based on their current actions, they aren't doing that. They have brought inappropriate movies into the church to watch them, brought up inappropriate youtube videos, made incredibly disgusting jokes, and now seem to have created a clique which they have been excluding myself and my girlfriend from. Part of what made us such a great team was that we were all friends and would hang out. They have recently just totally ignored me and my girlfriend. But that's not the part I have a problem with.

I've tried multiple times for the last 4-6 months to get the worship leader to set up a meeting so if anybody has any problems with me they can get it out and we can move past this. He refuses to do so. When I went to my pastor, he asked me if it was a racial issue on my part (a majority of the worship team is Filipino). He also said that my issues were "childish". My reply to that was that race is absolutely not an issue on my part, and that if MY issues are so childish, why is it that I'm the one trying to get things worked out, and they want to continue to exclude us and talk bad about us.

I'm pretty much fed up with trying to work things out. I have enough stress at home with living with a Wiccan mother. I don't need to have this extra stress right now. I'm thinking about quitting the team but I know that the other member who would take my place is incompetent and the congregation would suffer. How can I go about this the right way? I've been praying but it just doesn't seem to get better.

Thank you for the help.
Sorry it's so long.
God Bless