hi everone,
i am 23 years old guy. All my life i have pretended to be normal to people but deep inside of me there is fear and emptyness which keep me hurting day by day. I am shy and nervous type of guy who is scared to talk in difficult situation. But avoidaing such situation i pretend to be normal i9n front of othere people. I fear of faliure or something bad can be happen to me, but i dont know about the empteness i feel. Right now i have just started to working and that fear is following me like a shadow and hampering my carrier. I feel like i am the dumg guy adn lots of negative thoughts is going through my mind. My life is passing out from my hand, i cant feel the hapiness completely. My action is not working as my thought always keep me behind. Tell me what i can do now...help me as my crucial peroid of my life is breaking down. I am becoming numb day by day...