Firstly I am new to this web site and hope I am going about things in the correct way. I have been feeling very insecure recently and finding it so hard to get the horrible feeling away. I am normally ok and love to help people as i feel that is my mission. Recently there has been a change in my relationship , my partner got a new house and I have helped him decorate it, but shocked to find out his neighbour is his son from 19 years ago!! So perhaps this has knocked me lot. I really want the feeling to go away and would appreciate prayer to help me.

It should be a situation i can handle but I am all over the place and feel insecure. Now I am telling myself I am not good enough for my partner! Help, I have not thought that in all the years we have been together. My head is weary today and would appreciate any help. I really have given myself a hard time over past two weeks and now beginning to lose weight. Cant think straight and need a friendx