Make Us One: So, the song pleads in prayer to our One True God. It's a theme that's been visited throughout my Christian experience and must have been around since the first church split, over a thousand years ago. Based on my observations as a minister since 1991, unfortunately, most of those praying for Christian unity are truly asking, "Please make those other poor heretical fools agree with me, so we can fellowship together." This article will reveal, to the surprise of many, despite the silly factions and divisions, the Christian Church is, always has been and always will be...united.

Silly Factions: Some of you are already asking how the Church can be united when you see over 100 Christian denominations in the phone book and none of them talk to one another. You're right! The first church split was over the use of communion wafers with leavening in them. Some, on whether Adam had a belly-button. Then, there's the...

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