We've all heard the popular Christian lament, "Why can't we be more like the early churches?" It seems the further we get from the ascension of Christ, the more we look like the Scribes and Pharisees He criticized, with our rules, rituals, pomp, ceremony and upper class of privileged and educated rulers who cannot be questioned. This isn't meant as a hit-piece on modern churches and denominations, but as a cry for the Body of Christ to choose the spiritual reality over the worldly counterfeit. While commercial buildings and professional speakers, counselors, teachers and musicians are valuable, they can never replace the genuine fellowship of true Christians, serving God in each other's homes and lives. I pray this article helps each reader find true Christian fellowship and each church to give true fellowship a priority over canned services.

Spirit-Led Fellowship-vs-Human-Led Fellowship: As churches get bigger, the need for order in the services takes a higher priority. Gone is the loving shepherd who...
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