Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ. I have recently returned to God and have rededicated my life to Christ. I was saved as a young boy and have backslide for many years. I have come back to God and left God many times as well. I want a real life in Christ a rooted fruitful life in the Spirit. I struggle with sin still but I know that I am also still an infant in Christ. What I wanted to know is as a believer has the Satan ever told you the lie that you were not saved and try to make you doubt your own salvation. Has any other believer encountered this is this one of his common ploys? Thank God for this site I have been hungry for fellowship. I guess I just need some encouragment from other believers. Also as we become more mature in Christ does the struggle with temptation become easier. I want to please God I do not want to sin but there are times that I succumb to the flesh and I feel awful guilt and sorrow, and it is in those times when something tells me that I am not saved and tries to make me doubt my salvation. Please feel free to e-mail me any advise any encouragment.