I give you praise for you deserve it, I give you
praise for what you've done
I give you praise for you are able, I'll give you praise 'til I overcome
I give you praise when the sun is shining, I give you praise in the dark of
I give you praise when the battle rages, I give you praise 'til it works out
The shout of the King is among us, God lives here
in our praises
The shout of the King is among us, praise Him, praise Him, Praise Him in
Heaven opens as we sing your praise, angels join us as we praise your name
Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him,
Praise Him in everything, Praise Him in everything
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Now That You're Near
One Desire
Open Our Eyes
People Get Free
Prepare The Way
Redeemer Savior Friend
Rock Of
Shout Of The King
Of God
So You Would Come
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