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The Discipleship And Christian Living directory covers sites that focus on helping disciples live in Christ and discipling others, including schools, training programs, mentoring, etc.  For other Christian and ministry resources, visit our Christian Resources Directory.

Discipleship And Christian Living

Search the Resource Directory: 
Discipleship And Christian Living - The?Discipleship And Christian Living directory covers sites that focus on helping disciples live in Christ and discipling others, including schools, training programs, mentoring, etc.
Advice Forum For Christians - Whether you're seeking Christian advice or offering it, this is the forum for you.
Christian Living And Discipleship Products - Choose from the latest best-selling Christian living and discipleship products.
Life And History Of Jesus Christ - The Life and History of Jesus Christ is a series of 39 Bible lessons (sermons) taken from the four Gospels. These lessons cover the life of Christ in order from His birth through His ascension. Because we use a harmony of the four gospels in order,
Online Christian Discipleship School - Online Christian Discipleship School...Bible studies, training and everything you need to disciple someone or to study Christian living for yourself. The 16 studies are arranged to be taken in order to depict the Christian life cycle.
Online Prayer Ministry - Submit prayer requests. Pray for and encourage others.
What is Christian discipleship? - What is Christian discipleship? Why is it important that Christians be discipled? What are the keys to Biblical discipleship? discipling, disiplie

Resource Categories

Bibles And Bible Study Resources (14) - The?Bibles And Bible Study Resources Online directory covers sites offering Bibles, Bible studies, study software, reference books and ministry materials and supplies for the serious student.
Christian Books And Movies (4) - The?Christian Books And Movies directory covers sites that offer clean, inspirational or religious books and movies for entertainment or education.
Christian Music Websites (11) - The?Christian Music Websites directory covers sites that offer praise and worship music (contemporary, traditional, country, kids, etc.) for Christians in download, pod cast, CD, DVD or streaming formats.
Discipleship And Christian Living (8) - The?Discipleship And Christian Living directory covers sites that focus on helping disciples live in Christ and discipling others, including schools, training programs, mentoring, etc.
Gifts And Clothes For Christians (1) - The?Special Christian Gifts And Clothes directory covers sites that offer gifts, notions and clothing designed for Christians and families.
Kids And Family Resources (5) - The?Christian Kids And Family Resources directory covers sites that offer games, crafts, activities, entertainment, chat and forums designed for Christian kids and families.
Ministries And Churches Online (8) - The?Christian Churches And Ministries Online directory covers ministries that use the web to do church services, missionary work, evangelism and other ministry services.
Other Christian Resources (9) - The?Other Christian Resources directory covers websites that offer products, services and information related to Christianity but don't fit into the other resource categories.
Stewardship And Money Management (8) - The?Christian Money Management And Stewardship directory covers websites offering financial information, support and services specifically tailored for Christians and ministries.

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