Christian Worship Fellowship Prayer (EHF Logo)

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We finish our prayer study with intercession, praying in the spirit, prayer of faith and worship practices. The Discipleship Bible study covers how, why and when to pray and express worship to God and dispels some rather silly false teachings about prayer and worship.

Continued from How To Pray As A Christian

b. Pray for others, or intercession: Ja 5:16-"…pray ___ each other…" / He 13:19 "…____ so that I may be restored…"/ II Th 3:2 "And pray that __ may be delivered�����������"/ Ep 6:18 "…keep on praying for ___ the saints."  

c. Pray in the Spirit: Eph 6:18 "And pray in the ______ on ___ occasions…"/ Ro 8:26-27 "…We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the ______ himself intercedes with ______ that words cannot express."/ I Co 14:14-15 "I will pray with my s______…I will sing with my s______./ Jd 1:20 "____ in the Holy Spirit.

Since Paul says prayer in the Spirit is like "groans" and our "mind is unfruitful" no one can say what prayer in the Spirit is. If someone offers to show you how to do it-ignore them! If someone tells you it isn't done any more-ignore them. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and _______" He 13:8. The Bible is clear that every Christian can pray in the Spirit. In fact, Paul says for us to do it "at all times". How can we do it at all times and not know what it is? This is one of the great mysteries in God's Word. I believe we are to go through life in a continuous attitude of prayer. Sometimes the prayer is out loud, sometimes quiet, sometimes in words that are understood, sometimes not, but always open to God. Living in Christ means living in mystery.  

If God is small enough for us to understand, He isn't big enough to help us.

d. Pray in faith: How faith works in prayer is a great paradox in our understanding of God's Word. Rather than give you my interpretation, I want you to wrestle with the seeming contradictions and arrive at your own conclusion. You can use as many Scriptures as you want. I'm going to list only three which I feel are representative:

Jn 15:7-10 "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father’s commands and remain in his love."
I Pe 3:7 "Husbands…be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect…so that nothing will hinder your prayers."
Mt 21:22 "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."
Write one sentence that blends the three conditions above into one statement about how faith works in prayer:_______________________
The Lord, like any loving Father, will not give you anything that would harm you, another, or His perfect will.  He answers every prayer. His answer is either "yes" or "I have something better for you." (See Mt 7:7-11) 

5. Avoid these shams from the flim-flam-man: 

a. The 'name-it-claim-it' false teaching that says the strength of your faith can force God to do your will. Jesus taught us to pray "thy will be done." That's the "prayer of faith" because it's faith in God's ability to know better than us, what to do. I've watched two families lose a young loved one to cancer while some whacked out "Christian" comforted them with statements like, "If he had enough faith he could get up and walk out of here." Faith says God knows best even when we don't understand and don't know how to pray.

Faith isn't measured by God doing what we ask, but by us doing what He asks. (See Hebrews 11) 

b. The false teaching that says if you quote certain phrases, especially Scripture, in your prayer it will force God to do what you ask. God isn't a vending machine! He will honor all His promises to the ones he made them to. Guess Who's in charge of deciding how and to whom those promises apply. Look! Any teaching that says God must do what we ask is out of balance, not taking into account the whole counsel of God's Word on the subject of answered prayer. There were times when Jesus "couldn't" do miracles (Lk 5:17, Mk 6:5). Did He forget the magic words? 

c. The false teaching that says using certain language in your prayer can make or break spiritual "curses". Bull! Prayer isn't witchcraft unless you're praying to the wrong god. 

6. Expressions of Worship: I Co 14:25 "…____ down…"/ Ps 95:6 "Come let us ___ ____ in worship, let us _____ before the Lord our maker."/ Lk 2:20 "…__________ and ________ God…"/ Ps 47:1 "____ your hands, all you nations; _____ to God with _____ of Joy."/ Ro 15:11 "______ the Lord…____ praises to Him…"/ II Sa 6:14 "David… ______ before the Lord with all his might."/ Ro 12:1 "…offer your ______ as living sacrifices…this is your Spiritual act of _______."/ Lk 2:37 "_________ night and day, _______ and _______."/ He 12:28 "…let us be ________, and so worship God with _________ and ___."/ Ps 33:3 "____ to him a ___ song; ____ skillfully…" Ps 63:4 "…I will ____ up my hands."

This is just a partial list of Biblically acceptable forms of worship to God.
Anything that's done to express love to God is worship.

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