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Continued from How To Study The Bible

2. Why Should I Study God's Word? (As if the previous page isn't enough.)

a. Because of what the Word does for us:
Ps 19:7-11 God's Word: Revives the ____, Makes the simple ____, Gives ___ to the heart, Gives ____ to the eyes, Gives warning to God's _______.
Ps 119:105 "Your Word is a ____ to my feet and a light to my ____."
He 4:12 "For the Word of God is ______ and ______. _______ than any double-edged sword…it _____ the thoughts and attitudes of the _____."
II Ti 3:16 "All Scripture…is ______ for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in _____________.
Mt 4:4 "Man does not ____ on bread alone, but on every ____ that comes from the mouth of ___."
Ro 10:17 "…faith comes by hearing…through the ____ of Christ."

b. Because the early followers of Jesus studied God's Word:
Ac 17:11 "…they…examined the Scriptures _____ day to see if what Paul said was true."
Ac 2:42 "They _______ themselves to the apostles' teaching…"

c. Because God said so:
Col 3:16 "Let the ____ of ______ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom…"
II Tim 2:15 "…a workman who…correctly handles the ____ of truth." 

3. How Do I Study God's Word? Take a blank piece of paper, look at your computer and list the components you see in a column on the Left in this order: Speakers, Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, Printer, Processor. Consider what each part does as you list it. At the top of the sheet, title the paper: How to Process God’s Word. As we cover each ‘function’ of Holy Word Processing, list it next to the computer component it’s related to, and, next to that, a frequency (daily, weekly, monthly) you intend to perform this function.

a. Hear: As Ro 10:17 says, faith comes by hearing. This is the easiest to do, and, unfortunately, it's where most Christians stop. They'll hear in a "church" , on TV. or radio, or in a Bible study…but a few days later…it's gone. Most people don't need to do more hearing, but maybe better hearing. Lk 8:18 "…consider carefully how you ______." Read Lk 8:5-15. What does it say about those who truly hear the Word of God?____________________________________________________________. List ‘hearing’ next to ‘speakers’ on you Word processing sheet. We recommend at least 2 times a week for hearing the Word because of how long you retain what you hear. This can be done by TV, radio, Worship music that actually uses Scripture, Bible on tape or CD, or attending a service. Hearing is useful, but if that’s where you stopped, your life would be like a computer that only played sounds. 

b. Read: Ac 17:11 "They examined the scriptures every day…" Reading the Word is essential to Spiritual growth. The more regularly we do it, the better. Jesus compared God's Word to bread, something His contemporaries ate every day for survival. We need to approach the Word with the same hunger we approach dinner. Once we develop the habit of daily reading, we notice hunger setting in if we miss a couple days in a row. If the average reader were to read the bible 15 minutes every day, he'd get through it in a year. I can't tell you how valuable this was, the first time I did it. I didn't really understand much about God until I read His Word through. I do it every year, now. It doesn't matter if we miss a day here and there, just that we make a habit of reading His Word. List ‘reading’ next to ‘monitor’. We recommend at least once a day for 5-15 minutes. By both hearing and reading, your computer is more useful…you get a far more functional life.

c. Study: Col 3:16 If we're to "properly handle the Word of truth" we must do more than skim the surface. There's a place for reading and a place for studying. Many teach people to use a study bible or commentary for "deeper" understanding of God's Word. That's not deeper, it's just someone else's opinion. We need to understand God's Word from God's Word, then we'll be deeper in what counts-His wisdom. I'm going to give you a study system that includes no commentary from anyone other than God. This isn't the only way to study His Word, just the simplest way I've found. It's hard work, but rewarding, kinda like chewing steak. Start with a small Book, say, I John.

    1) Tools: As many different translations of the Bible as you can afford. Lots of paper and pencils with erasers. Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, with topical index. English Dictionary.

    2) Time: Recommend about two hours per week in at least ½ hour blocks, with no interruptions. 

    3) Technique: Modified "Inductive" study includes Observation, Investigation, Application. (a) Read Scripture in 5 or more translations (take a small section, say, 6 verses). (b) Ask yourself questions using the words Who, What, Why, How, Where and When, find the answers in the verses you're studying and write them down. (c) Using the Dictionary, Concordance and Topical index, look up every word, phrase or topic you have questions about and write down your answers. Be sure to resolve any seeming contradictions with other Scripture. (d) Rewrite the Scripture, taking into consideration the answers in b & c. (e) Mentally apply what you've studied to your own life, job, family, etc. (f) Memorize one or more of the verses that is especially meaningful to you. (g) Now you can look at a commentary if you want.

Completed at  How To Study Bible-3

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