Other Colossians Bible Studies & Background
1. Replace "slave" and "master" with "employer" and "employee." Who is your example as an employer and what does that tell you about how you should treat your employees?
2. What do you feel it means to be devoted to prayer? How do you express that in your life?
3. If Paul was in chains for proclaiming the Gospel, how should we feel about Christ when bad things happen to us? How should we feel about ourselves?
4. How could we be wise and make the most of every opportunity with outsiders? Give some examples of how this is or isn't being done today.
5. Give some examples of what you feel Paul means by having our conversation be full of grace and seasoned with salt. How often should we do this?
6. What do you feel it means to wrestle in prayer?
7. List the people in Paul's greeting that were mentioned elsewhere in the New Testament as Apostles or as authors of other books?
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Colossians Chapter 1 Bible Study
Colossians, Chapter 2 Bible Study
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