Christian Worship Fellowship Prayer (EHF Logo)

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Love & Hugs,

In the completion of Giving God Honor In Offerings we cover how He is providing for this ministry in ways we never imagined...and we can all rely on Him for our needs. 

Giving God Honor In Offerings

Continued from Giving God Honor In Offerings

When God called us to found EHF, we knew this would be a walk of faith for our finances. I've worked on this, full-time, for over 5 years, with no income. Marsha, my wife, assisted me full time for 2 years after her employer closed its doors. Aside from about $ 500.00 per year from donors, we paid all of the EHF start-up and operating expenses about $ 45,000 total. After seeing what the Lord has done through EHF, we'd gladly pay 10 times as much if we had it. I'm not complaining! I'm not bragging, either, that's the kind of faith we should expect in someone who is called by God to be a servant. When God called me to ministry, I set out 5 things I needed God to do, so I would know He had called me and I wasn't just imagining it. One of the 5 things was $ 1,500 per month in income. This was a long time ago. Within the first week, He had given me 4 of the 5 things. Guess which one He didn't give me. I was a full-time minister for 5 years before I received $ 1,500 per month. He told me He would teach me how to live without the money. It was one of the best (and hardest) lessons I ever received. He taught me you don't become a servant of God to get rich. As large as the Billy Graham organization is and as many $ millions as they manage each year, I've been told that Billy Graham has never taken more than $ 50,000 per year in salary. He's a servant who has learned that a workman is worth his wages, but just that. If the money comes from God, though, how do these workmen get paid?

3. The Saint: God pays His Servants through the people they serve and equip. In our study, Jesus told the workmen not to bring their own money or even extra clothes…to make no provision for themselves. He expected the people who received them to pay all their living and travel expenses. I told you about the pastor who wouldn't follow God's call for less than $ 100,000; now I'm gonna' tell you about the many churches and denominations who want people to uproot their families and move to a strange community, but aren't willing to give them enough to survive. Maybe I can tell you about the missionaries, called by God to go on dangerous foreign missions, but the organizations that send them expect them to raise their own support. They can only spend half their time where God called them because the other half is spent back here, raising money. God didn't set it up like that. Jesus made it clear from the start; those who receive the worker are expected to support the work and the worker. Paul made it clear in his letters to Timothy and to the Corinthians that those who are Spiritual workers may expect a material reward...whatever God uses to provide that reward.  He used Israel's Priests and Levites as examples. These people never planted or harvested, never made or sold goods, yet they lived on the offerings the people made to God, one tenth of Israel's Gross National Product.

When Jesus sent the 72 out, He did so knowing they would be eating offerings made to God. He also knew God would reward those who made the offerings. Mt 10:40-42: "He who receives you receives me, and he who receives me receives the one who sent me. Anyone who receives a prophet because he is a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward, and anyone who receives a righteous man because he is a righteous man will receive a righteous man’s reward. And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward." It's the same with EHF and Web-Church. If you have received us, if you have been blessed by God through us, If God has equipped you for service in any way through EHF, then you can make an offering to God by supporting us. You are part of God's plan for EHF to reach thousands of people with the love of Christ. Marsha and I would eagerly cover all of the expenses to keep EHF going, except for 2 things: 1. We can't afford it. 2. We would be robbing you of your reward. Please pray about how much support the Lord would want you to give monthly, or as a one-time-gift to reach more people with His love.  Donate links are at the top and bottom of each page at

Dear Lord, Your Internet church is Online. We depend on your Word and your pattern to keep it growing to reach more and more people with your love. As we've studied, today, we know your pattern of support and growth is based on the voluntary offerings from the people we reach. We ask you to touch each heart and prompt them to give you what they can, a holy offering. We rely on your promise to reward them for this offering. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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