Continued from The Ten Talents Parable-Using Spiritual Gifts
There will be more about this in "reproduction" but let me ask you, if you can, please give me any verses quoting Jesus condemning "sinners". I think you'll find only words of forgiveness, compassion and healing. The ones He condemned were the religious leaders, especially the ones who put obstacles in the way of those trying to find God. If we are His ambassadors, to be "like Him" in the World, let us truly be like Him in His love for those who need His healing. As I Jn 4 makes clear, love is the measure of our likeness to God. Maybe that's why there is no gift of condemnation, gift of judgment or gift of criticism. When we treat people God loves like this, we are not being His ambassadors. Instead, we are ambassadors of those He condemned, the religious leaders, who would not even eat with someone who didn't follow their theology.
Ro 2:4 "God's kindness leads
you toward repentance."
Mt 5:16 "In the same way, let your _____
shine before men, that they may see your ____ deeds and ______ your Father in
This is why we've
been given fruit and gifts by God, to serve, grow in, and glorify Him among His
followers and among those who are not yet His followers.
Since I was called to be a full-time servant of God, I've been in many fellowships of followers of Jesus. I noticed one thing common in all of them; there is always a large percentage of people who complain they are not "being fed" by those who are leading. They remind me of baby birds in the nest, screaming at their mother for the next piece of worm. Since you're at this point in the study, you know the person responsible for the feeding isn't the "leader", but you and I. In fact, after a short time to learn how to be a follower of Jesus, no one is responsible for the feeding of these people except themselves. Then, how do we get fed? I'm glad you asked. Read Mt 25:14-30, replace the word "talent" with "gift" and answer the following questions:
a. What did the first two servants do with their
gifts that pleased the master?
b. What happened with their gifts when they put
them to work?
c. Was there risk involved? If you said
"no" why was the third servant afraid?
d. What did the master do to the two servants who
risked his gifts and put them to work?
e. Why would the master be angry with a servant
who only received and protected his gift?
f. What happened to the gift the third servant
g. Based on this story, what do you feel will
happen to the gifts you put to work for God?
H. What do you feel will happen to the gifts you
don't put to work?
I. Do you feel Jesus will return and
demand an accounting of the gifts He's given us?
J. How could you make sure He says "Well
done, good and faithful servant"?
Please write
yes or no next to each of the following commitments:
a. I will work to cultivate the fruit of the
Spirit in my life and regularly check my progress on keeping in step with the
b. I will eagerly desire all the gifts of the
Spirit, accepting and using the gifts He gives me.
c. I will continually work to discover the
ministry gifts God has given me, and use them to bless and build up others.
d. I will put all the gifts and talents God has
given me to work, seeking to some day hear His words, "Well done, good and
faithful servant."
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