Continued from What Does The Bible Say About Church Attendance
A Bit of Church History
For the first 350 years, the Church grew faster than at any time since, despite the fact that they were persecuted by the religious leaders and by Rome. Because they were being hunted and slaughtered, they met in homes and catacombs, and anywhere but public places. Christians were even slaughtered by Rome to entertain its citizens. These things only caused the Church to grow faster and stronger. About 350 AD, a new Roman Emperor, Constantine, decided to "profess" to be a Christian. Because no one knew if he was serious, everyone in Rome began "professing" to be Christian. Ornate Church buildings were built and everyone showed up in their best clothes (Sunday Best) to be noticed by those in power. They took the church out of homes and away from the people and put it under the control of a professional upper class priesthood. For over 1,000 years (the dark ages) this Holy Roman Empire (and the kingdoms left after Rome fell) used their soldiers to force everyone around to "profess" Christianity. Those who protested were killed. Martin Luther was the first successful "Protestant" by breaking off and founding the Lutheran church on the principle of the priesthood of all believers. Sadly, this movement didn't go far enough. Churches in the last 500+ years have added innovations, like Sunday School, Youth outreach, Rock music. But, Constantine still rules most churches through central denominations who dictate doctrine and approve preachers to run the local churches, hire worship "leaders", oversee weddings, funerals, communions, baptisms, etc. The 'priesthood of all believers' proclaimed in the Bible and taught by Luther is still missing in most churches.
God brought me, one of those preachers, to a point where I could no longer support a modern church so vastly different from the Biblical church we just studied. We founded (and E-Home Fellowship, EHF) to use the internet to build tiny groups of Christians (Gatherings) who meet in homes. We know we're not perfect, but we've tried to apply God's Word to modern technology and build a "New Old Church". We meet in homes, in intimate groups, just a family and maybe a few friends who come together as often as possible to hear God, not some preacher's pretty speech. Not even mine! We teach that Spiritual authority and accountability goes from God to you, with the Bible as your guide. If you want more, we'll be there, but you don't need more. If you're new to the Bible, we've got classes, questions, teaching, and advice all designed so you won't need us any more.
Here's the challenge: Start an intimate, home-based Gathering of followers of Jesus Christ. If you don't have a Gathering you can meet with, start with your family, and maybe a few friends. Start to experience the soil of God's people the way He set it up. If you want help and advice, email us and we'll help you. If you're happy with a traditional church you're attending, start a gathering from that group. In any event, begin the intimacy of true Christian relationship, rather than canned services.
Answer Yes or No for each.
1. I will make
time to grow regularly in the Sonshine of prayer.
2. I will irrigate
my life with the Water of His Word with reading, study, meditation and
3. I will breathe
the Air of His Prosperity with earnings, savings, investing and giving.
4. I will put my
roots into the soil of His People by gathering often with a few people devoted
to Him.
Congratulations! You are half way to the diploma!
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About Church Attendance?
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